You have made many modifications on your vehicle and have got good results. What else can you do to get your car or truck ahead of the performance game? How about a dyno tune?
Do not forget about your computer. It can help you optimize all of those new mods so that they work in harmony. In turn, you will get the most out of your torque and horsepower. How exactly do you tap into this new power resource? I am talking about doing a dyno tune. This article will give you an overview of how a dyno tune works and how to go about getting it to work for you.
How Does a Dyno Tune Work?
A dynamometer, more commonly called a dyno, is a machine that will measure the output of your engine. Among the readings it monitors is your horsepower, torque, and fuel mixture. It can also make adjustments after testing the engine load under different running conditions. If you have upgraded your vehicle to a performance mod, you should definitely consider getting a dyno tune. That way you can ensure that you are gaining the optimum performance from all of those mods you spent so much time and money on. Buying a dyno tune can be very expensive. Thus, many people take their build into a specialty shop to get the testing done in house.
There are several different types of dynamometers but they all aim for the same result. After taking the measurements, it can help you tweak your vehicle to:
- Gain more horsepower;
- Maintain driving at high standards;
- Keep your engine running smooth;
- Get you some good fuel economy.
Of course, you can adjust to your application if it means you want more horsepower and don’t mind losing some fuel economy, you can do that. However, an engine that has been tuned properly with a dyno tune should still see an increase in horsepower and torque without losing too much fuel economy or driving ability. Doing the process correctly can help keep your engine running at its best which means it will not have to work as hard. That translates to less wear and tear on your components and thus, fewer repairs in the future. Why not take this step to protect your investment too?
General Specifications
- A dyno tune that is attached to an engine directly is called an engine dyno.
- Can help you adjust your car to increase torque and horsepower without losing fuel efficiency and drivability.
- A necessity for racers and street rodders to get the most out of their vehicles.
- Testing can last as little as a half day to check for leaks and noises, set timing and break in an engine.
- Testing can last as long as several days trying to maximize performance by trying different parts and dyno tune settings.
- You can see a 40 or more increase in horsepower just by taking the time to get a good dyno tune.
- Cheaper to test your engine on a stand at a dyno tune facility than on a track under the hood.
- Dyno testing equipment can range from $35,000 to over $100 thousand.
PROs and CONs of Getting a Dyno Tune
- Get a comprehensive graph so you can see your progress;
- Helps your engine run more efficiently meaning it won’t have to work as hard;
- A more efficient engine translates to less wear and tear and repairs later on;
- Allows you to swap parts to see which will give you the best performance increase;
- Helps you catch any issues you may have not otherwise found such as a leak;
- Can easily break in parts.
- A dyno tune can be costly;
- If people are not realistic about their builds, they may have expectations that are too high;
- You need to find a reputable tester/ operator since these shops will be more likely to keep their equipment clean, calibrated properly and maintained.;
- You have to prepare for your visit so that you bring the necessary testing items with you. They are an engine that is as close to being finished as possible, and a few gallons of any type of fuel you intend to use. If you have questions as what you need to bring, ask your operator when you schedule your session.
3 Dyno Tune Shops You Can Consider
Setting a dyno tune is an investment. You will need to ask around to find a reputable tester near you. Here are a few examples of shops that have made a decent name for themselves.
- Pro Dyno- North Carolina: This shop has made itself a top shop for dyno tuning. Their equipment is up to date and clean. Customers have no complaints and appreciate the helpfulness of the staff.
- Real Performance Speed Shop- Nevada: Real Performance has been operating in Nevada for 16 years and has made a name for themselves as a go to custom dyno tune stop. They also offer car and truck customization. Customers have nothing but great things to say about the incredible knowledge the staff has for not only the products they sell, but the vehicles they work on as well. The service seems to be the key element to this shop’s success. And you really do need a knowledgeable operator standing behind that dyno equipment.
- Aikman Performance Tuning and Repair- Texas: Aikman has equipment that can deliver the best performance for many different functions. They strive to maximize your performance and efficiency with their HP tuners that allow them to give your full engine a dyno tune. They also offer many other services that may come in handy if you find your build needs a little help after a dyno tune reveal. It seems that service is key with this shop as well. Customers say that the service team bends over backwards to make sure things are done right. They are knowledgeable, fast, friendly and reliable. To top it all off, the pricing is very competitive.
To the Tune
Why spend so much money on your modifications without making sure they are all playing nice and operating at their best? Invest in a dyno tune to make sure your engine is efficient and get yourself some more torque and horsepower in the process.